Unappreciated Games

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So what games have you found that were actually great even if everyone else chose to ignore or smite?

Mine are:

Mafia (PC version though)
Kane and Lynch
The Getaway (The US didnt seem to like it)
James Bond Nightfire
Goldeneye Rogue Agent
Assassin's Creed
Blood Omen 2
Legacy of Kane: Defiance
Dark Chronicle (Dark Cloud 2 in US)
Just Cause
Perfect Dark Zero
SSX On Tour

Those are a few although I'll probably remember more at sompoint
a couple of my favorites are Chromehounds and Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2. one is a detailed mech combat game and the other is a RTS
I definitely agree with PDZero and LoK Defiance, Billy... Man, that was one fun ass game...

And we had HOURS of fun on PD Zero...

Now that I have a PS3, I can hopefully try some Games I've always wanted to...

And I'm afraid I have to add Rainbow Six Vegas 2 to this list. Simply for it's XP and ACES system which actually gave the player goals and encouraged them to perform skillful kills.

Pity about the Graphics.
That system is terrible and youll find out why when you play on realistic. 10xp per kill and you need 40000 xp to level up. they screwed up bad with that system. The game wasnt bad but it does deserve the stick it gets. I only liked it because it at least wrapped the story up. After that theres nothing to keep it fresh, the terorist hunt maps were all a bit stale and none of the online issues were addressed. They also released a gift pack on PSN and Live. it was 2 mpas in the dark that were already in the game and a casino level from the first. Not a worthy additon in my view.
I really enjoyed the Champions games on the PS2, although they weren't very well made, they we're incredibly fun to play with three of your mates, apart from the occasional loot jack and all round screaming whilst fighting bosses.

Also Way of the Samurai was very unappreciated, it was a fun Samurai sim, and the ninja sword skill list ended up with some of the most ridiculous moves known to a "realistic" sim.
Dead to Rights (PS2) deserves a mention as well as Enter The Matrix.

Resident Evil: Dead Aim, That game was so cool as it was done with a G-Con. It didnt really fit the whole RE franchise but the idea was really solid.
The most unappreciated games that I've had the experience of playing have been:
  • Wits & Wagers (XBLA) ... Very fun multiplayer trivia game with an added twist.
  • Golf: Tee It Up! (XBLA) ... Hours of fun that Mike and I can attest to. Very fun game both online and offline with up to 4 players. Single player kept me entertained for awhile too.
  • Final Fantasy XI (PC/360) ... This game, when compared to WoW, actually does fairly well in my books. The overall gameplay and graphics were way ahead of it's time and really made for a great MMORPG experience.
I'm at work right now so I can't really pull up a list of games that I used to play, but I know there are plenty of others I could add here.
Perfect Dark Zero was a terrible, terrible game though....terrible
Single Player wise yes it was but the MP made up for it. Nothing beats all characters just with the Viper blade storming the only enemy spawn point when the LOTR theme tune blares in the background. Good times.

oh and to add to the list the new Alone in the Dark isnt the most terrible game ever. Just tried the demo and it isnt all bad.
Single Player wise yes it was but the MP made up for it. Nothing beats all characters just with the Viper blade storming the only enemy spawn point when the LOTR theme tune blares in the background. Good times.

oh and to add to the list the new Alone in the Dark isnt the most terrible game ever. Just tried the demo and it isnt all bad.
Originally Posted by Blank Planet
I still can't remember how much alcohol we'd had....

Man that was fun...
Lock's Quest, Ninjatown (both of those are awesome Tower defense games, Ninjatown is 10 quid at game!), Heros Of Mana (ok the path finding AI sucks, but people forgave that in Mech Platoon, and this owns the crap out of Mech Platoon. Best portable rts ever), Jade Empire (its 5 quid and its like KOTOR. Why aren't more Xbox players talking about it?), Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2 (the best stratergy rpg on the gba that isn't Fire Emblem)
Mmmm. I must say Lolo on NES. That game can be irritating as fuck, but it's an early puzzle/strategy game.

And ICO (PS2). The puzzles are fun, the story is non-existent (and not needed), but the most stand-out part was that the graphics were absolutely gorgeous. No one seems to remember it, really.
That's because it was one of the rarest games on the PS2, at least over in Europe. If you can find a copy in London, you've struck lucky as hell.

Did you play it's sequel, Shadow of the Colossus?
they aren't actually related, just made by the same team.
And ICO (PS2). The puzzles are fun, the story is non-existent (and not needed), but the most stand-out part was that the graphics were absolutely gorgeous. No one seems to remember it, really.
Originally Posted by Exo Politician
Loads of people remember it...or at least diehard Sony fans do. Theres a rumour of another game being made by the ICO team whch has loads of hype even though it hasnt been announced yet. I never played it but only heard good things about it.

Oh and Siren Blood Curse (PS3). It is the only real survivor horror game this gen. By that I mean you are an ordinary person with hardly any skills..no fancy high tech weapons or armour.
Yeah. That game has some severe faults, like lack of sufficient combat, but then... That's the point. You're a regular person with a regular day job. The only strength you MAY have is if you worked out a bit on weekends.

OT: Thanks for the Clarification. I've never played SOTC, and I was hoping for some info on it.
I have Shadows of the Colossus and I've played through most of it. One of the guys kicked my ass one day, I put it down for a bit, started playing another game and never went back to it. I really should give it another chance.

Well maybe it's just people I know or my area, because a lot of people have never even heard of it, and the ones who have played it just didn't like it for some reason. Different strokes for different folks. I definately can't account for its presence in other countries, but it was pretty widely available around here for a while ages ago.
I'm going to add Saints Row 2 to this list. dont know why i didnt pick it up sooner. It may not have the funding that R* have but its still fun for crazy charcater customisation and run n gun action fun.
I dunno, I got into it, but then got out of it in a week. I just think I preferred the first one.
Its the first fun game ive got my hands on this year...and it isnt a dull, black/grey/dirt shooter. i will get the first one again though so i can make my goth hitman again. good times..good times

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