Since I'm already whining about my badges, I should have gotten this badge since I joined the site practically. I added my Yahoo & AOL accounts (both are members of OpenID) and never got anything. This badge might be harder to track since there are so many members of OpenID, but since I'm probably already irritating people asking about my badges I figure what the hell.

It feels dirty since I'm already #1 in badges to be complaining about them.
yes, you dirty, dirty badge whore. Dirty, filthy, revolting badge whore.

Ok let's talk about you now, kaens Wink lol
yes, you dirty, dirty badge whore. Dirty, filthy, revolting badge whore.

Ok let's talk about you now, kaens Wink lol
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
This is exactly why we need a thumbs up system!

It feels dirty since I'm already #1 in badges to be complaining about them.
Originally Posted by Kaens
This coming from the guy who boosted 10,000 profile views just to get that badge....
Just admit it, everyone in this conversation needs help.
This coming from the guy who boosted 10,000 profile views just to get that badge....
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Really depends on what you mean by boosted. It's not really my fault that I have access to 10s of 1000s of servers (legally). I was actually very careful not to DDOS the site for crying out loud. They never changed the 'rules' about views until a week after I already had the badge. I personally find spamming the boards, inviting every person who joins the site, or writing one sentence reviews to be way more offensive than I looked at my page a bunch of times in a week.
Really depends on what you mean by boosted. It's not really my fault that I have access to 10s of 1000s of servers (legally). I was actually very careful not to DDOS the site for crying out loud. They never changed the 'rules' about views until a week after I already had the badge. I personally find spamming the boards, inviting every person who joins the site, or writing one sentence reviews to be way more offensive than I looked at my page a bunch of times in a week.
Originally Posted by Kaens
Ok now, lets get one thing clear, I'm not attacking you, it was a small poke, hell the only reason I don't have that particular badge is because I got tiered of hitting refresh on my page.... Smile

I apologize if it seemed like I was being rude, so lets not start a war here. Besides there's no rule about inviting people, and being a badge hunter as you are I'm surprised you are not working on other badges yourself. I too don't like one line reviews but since those are being accepted from other staffers, I'm assuming they are new to staff so I've been following examples for now and learning how to promote and be fair to the site and its community. As for spamming the boards? I'm curious as to what or whom your talking about....and please PM me about this issue instead of dragging it out here.

I'm only human and I know text does not convey emotions, that's why I try to include lols or smiley's when I can, but some people don't like lols and smileys either so I try to sound funny. Please if I ever disrespect you in any way shape or form, please let me know, you can do it publicly, but I'd rather you PM me instead so we can work our differences in a civil manner. I pride myself as being a nice, honorable and likeable guy, but I'm only human and what I may think is funny at the time may not be in the best of taste to others. I assure you or anyone reading this, I in no way mean any harm or disrespect to any member here even if I wasn't staff.

I'm here first and foremost because I love this site and its community and I will defend and promote this site as best and as often as I can, (without unnecessary spam) I'm a staff member because Eric saw something in me and gave me chance to show this, he put his faith in me and come hell or high water I will do my best and if he sees fit to remove me that's ok too. I'm always asking him questions and always asking if I'm doing right by him and his vision and so far, I have yet to have him tell me otherwise.

Please excuse my hijacking of this thread, I may have taken what you said out of context, but I still felt the need to say what I have, lets get this thing back on the subject.
No offense was taken at all, I've just seen a few snipes my way and mostly ignore them so I took advantage now to say something. Often times I pick and choose my spots because I'm on my phone or tablet and I just don't like doing long responses on those devices. And I wasn't attacking you or anyone in particular, about all of those things I listed out. I'm sorry that I came across as offended, I was just quickly posting that while I checked the forums at work and then I was off to another meeting.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Oh, no? Dang. I was hoping for bloodshed. We've all sacrificed a touch of morals for at least one badge on this site. ALL of us have, at least once. Me? I've done it a crapload.
Really depends on what you mean by boosted. It's not really my fault that I have access to 10s of 1000s of servers (legally). I was actually very careful not to DDOS the site for crying out loud. They never changed the 'rules' about views until a week after I already had the badge. I personally find spamming the boards, inviting every person who joins the site, or writing one sentence reviews to be way more offensive than I looked at my page a bunch of times in a week.
Originally Posted by Kaens
Just curious about the servers. Access at work? What is it you do? I work for a small to medium sized business in South-east US and we have a good number of resources available, as we provide cloud services and other tech implementations. 10k+ servers, I'd guess Google, Amazon, Microsoft, or IBM.
I'm a tech manager at AOL where I lead the mail team. My team is responsible for about 17,000 machines. I ran a simple curl command across about 500 of them.
Holy crap. And why didn't you get me those badges? I see how it is... :P
Holy crap. And why didn't you get me those badges? I see how it is... :P
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
Because if he does it for you....then he's gotta do it for me....and everyone
So, um, did anybody ever figure out how to get the "OpenID" badge? Yes, I'm a badge whore now... I have that "pokemon fever" - I gotta catch 'em all!

My google +, and my Yahoo are both part of Open ID. But entering those just pops up those accounts and does not give me the OpenID badge. I signed up for livejournal and blogspot. The former connects livejournal with no badge and the latter just gives me an error.

What do I do to fix this and get the badge to add?
So, um, did anybody ever figure out how to get the "OpenID" badge? Yes, I'm a badge whore now... I have that "pokemon fever" - I gotta catch 'em all!

My google +, and my Yahoo are both part of Open ID. But entering those just pops up those accounts and does not give me the OpenID badge. I signed up for livejournal and blogspot. The former connects livejournal with no badge and the latter just gives me an error.

What do I do to fix this and get the badge to add?
Originally Posted by HyruleBalverine
I never got a response either and this was the second time I brought it up.
Yeah, I don't see a way to get an official OpenID badge. I even tried with an AOL id, it actually added a new entry(so disappointed it didn't work, would have been so much fun making fun of Kaens).

Hyrule, I need to talk to you about that Pokeman badge... Smile
Did the same as Fsh with Wordpress (since I can't get my GamerDNA OpenID to work) and it just created a new entry for wordpress as opposed to populating the OpenID section.
i to am having issues with this open id badge like every1 else i added yahoo facebook n google which all have open ids
Same issue with open id
I haven't tried Wordpress or anything like that but I linked my Facebook, Twitter and G+ accounts and none of them triggered the badges associated with them. Maybe it's just a snafu with those type of badges altogether?

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