Spamming the Threads

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Seriously QZ?

(You may not vote on this poll)

× 32 (84.21%) Enough Spam Already!!

× 6 (15.79%) Nah, keep doing it - it's cool.

  • Added 10-31-2015 08:04 PM
  • 38 votes
I am having a hard time navigating the new posts on a daily basis since the threads are full of one-hit irrelevant news posts. And here's a free poll:
yup hes slowly starting to do it again...
yup hes slowly starting to do it again...
Originally Posted by Preludecris
Well you know the old saying, Slow and steady wins the race. Smile
Lots of cliches in this one...

A tiger never changes stripes
A douche is always a douche
GTN supports spam because clicks are clicks...
to recap:

QN spammed all the liv'long day
QN got put on timeout
QN didn't learn the lesson and kept spamming
QN got banished
Somehow QN came back, slowly started spamming again (also started linking to his TA page as the "source")
Seems GTN didn't learn the lesson
Lots of cliches in this one...

A tiger never changes stripes
A douche is always a douche
GTN supports spam because clicks are clicks...
Originally Posted by futiles
These are also true.

I am having a hard time navigating the new posts on a daily basis since the threads are full of one-hit irrelevant news posts. And here's a free poll:
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
I feel you on that porschephiliac and something needs to be fix or changed.
These are also true.

I feel you on that porschephiliac and something needs to be fix or changed.
Originally Posted by Monky Spit
Honestly, many of the people complaining reply to his posts, post in his threads, give him attention. If the staff on the site allow someone that was completely banned to register as a different name, and then change his new name to his old name, then you cannot expect it to go away that way.
No option for confirming? :-)
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
I'll confirm that there is no option for confirming a confirmation.

(laughing hard at this, thanks Marv!)
I confirmed the confirmation that the option to have it confirmed was confirmed not to be there.
Man, I feel like I've gone through this before.

Yup. it's how we got the current "block user" feature. I'd say you're welcome, but it really doesn't to anything helpful.

But, click are clicks. So GTN is all out of fucks to give.
Man, I feel like I've gone through this before.

Yup. it's how we got the current "block user" feature. I'd say you're welcome, but it really doesn't to anything helpful.

But, click are clicks. So GTN is all out of fucks to give.
Originally Posted by Dacoto
Not entirely and this is not directed at you personally, but your quote is a good example to use. I don't want to start an argument nor anything else for that matter, but the issue is being looked at and that is all I am willing to ay at this time.
Not entirely and this is not directed at you personally, but your quote is a good example to use. I don't want to start an argument nor anything else for that matter, but the issue is being looked at and that is all I am willing to ay at this time.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
You can say that, but, facts speak pretty strongly.

Someone spammed. Site did not care.
Someone spammed more. Site did not care.
Someone spammed liked crazy. Site issued a timeout.
Someone threw a complete and total tantrum all over the site. Site finally decided to issue a permanent ban.
Someone re-registered with username reversed. Site did not care.
Someone spammed asking for badges back. Site indulged the requests, and even restore username for someone.
Someone started spamming, again. Site does not care.

Last time "staff was looking into it" and "discussing it" and "would be handling it" and, they didn't. So, you cannot blame user from thinking that this is just how GTN is. Accept it or go away.
At least try to remember that some people's abilities abd timelines are not the same as others. Communication across the country in a hobby-esque pace is expected. I am simply saying that some folks prefer spamming instead of adding quality content.

And some of you know my formal spam-a-holic self... Either I have grown up and finally realized what I've done in the past and feel shame, or I am pranking you now. And I don't have time for pranks.
You can say that, but, facts speak pretty strongly.

Someone spammed. Site did not care.
Someone spammed more. Site did not care.
Someone spammed liked crazy. Site issued a timeout.
Someone threw a complete and total tantrum all over the site. Site finally decided to issue a permanent ban.
Someone re-registered with username reversed. Site did not care.
Someone spammed asking for badges back. Site indulged the requests, and even restore username for someone.
Someone started spamming, again. Site does not care.

Last time "staff was looking into it" and "discussing it" and "would be handling it" and, they didn't. So, you cannot blame user from thinking that this is just how GTN is. Accept it or go away.
Originally Posted by futiles
Or you can say that GTN is lenient, willing to work with people and forgiving. We are also only four staff members so as porsh pointed out, it can take some time for decisions to be made. It's not that the site does not care, I know it seems that way sometimes, though.....dang it futiles why you always dragging me back into these things.. Lol.. Really though I feel you. Just please be patient, I know you've heard this from me before but at this time it is our watch word. If we didn't care he wouldn't have been banned in the first place and I certainly hope he is reading this as well.
You can't really say he was "banned" since he's back. The fact is, he very QuiCkly resumed the same behavior that has gotten him in trouble at every other forum site he's been registered at. Any "discussions" that need to take place happened months ago when the first "decision" was made. I'm all for second chances, but he's plainly shown he's beyond reform, and with every post is simply laughing at the "staff" here who are seemingly unwilling to listen to their community and take action.

Your inaction is the reason no one takes the "staff" here seriously. Complaining about how few you are is getting old. If you're short handed, put out an open call for more volunteers/staff. Good luck with that though, as the last "volunteer" you had left in disgust as there was no support from the site or other staff to assist in any type of growth events.
You can't really say he was "banned" since he's back. The fact is, he very QuiCkly resumed the same behavior that has gotten him in trouble at every other forum site he's been registered at. Any "discussions" that need to take place happened months ago when the first "decision" was made. I'm all for second chances, but he's plainly shown he's beyond reform, and with every post is simply laughing at the "staff" here who are seemingly unwilling to listen to their community and take action.

In bold is what I am thanking you for saying below. (Monky Spit)

Your inaction is the reason no one takes the "staff" here seriously. Complaining about how few you are is getting old. If you're short handed, put out an open call for more volunteers/staff. Good luck with that though, as the last "volunteer" you had left in disgust as there was no support from the site or other staff to assist in any type of growth events.
Originally Posted by Hotdogmcgee
What this site really needs is more staff period. Ground rules can be set up for the moderation team to follow as well so that they don't just go on a banning spree. Something really needs to happen though about Quick constantly spamming the forums. I appreciate that fact that he was "trying" to help but since their is a badge for forum post and threads made it becomes a problem. If he really wants to help the first thing he can do is stop with the spam. Second if he finds something of "News worthy" he needs to have a well constructed article in his own words about it. When he links to it, it needs to be where he found the "News worthy" info and not have it link to his blog post on TA.
Or you can say that GTN is lenient, willing to work with people and forgiving. We are also only four staff members so as porsh pointed out, it can take some time for decisions to be made. It's not that the site does not care, I know it seems that way sometimes, though.....dang it futiles why you always dragging me back into these things.. Lol.. Really though I feel you. Just please be patient, I know you've heard this from me before but at this time it is our watch word. If we didn't care he wouldn't have been banned in the first place and I certainly hope he is reading this as well.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Honestly, we don't need to be patient. Patience expired the first time we put up with his crap.

I drag you back in, because it is your duty as moderation to correct these issues quickly.

He's crap. He was banned. He came back. He did it again. There is no need for warnings, or hoping he is reading something, or whatever else is the reason for the inability to do anything.
Just to be clear, our guidelines outline what is considered spam here. Double posts and duplicates as well as mass-PM or e-mails are actual spam, but frequent posting isn't. You don't have to like every post or even the person posting, but it doesn't mean it's breaking any rules. If you think there should be other restrictions on posting aside from minimum character limits and the like, please suggest them and there can be a discussion about it.

As for threads with news stories, QN is not the only member to post them; as long as there is a source, it's a perfectly valid way of starting a discussion if there isn't one already.

Regarding comments about "clicks", there is no real benefit derived from singular threads or posts, and stats like visitors and page views don't fluctuate in any meaningful way based on isolated posting habits. I could discuss some Analytics data in more detail if there's an interest, but that doesn't seem necessary.

As always, contact me on Live if you have a genuine concern that warrants real conversation. We much prefer that to mock posts and attacks.

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