2016 GTN Fitness Gamers Group & Challenge

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Hey folks, it is the new year, and it is that time for resolutions and promises and all that jazz that 90% of folks fail to complete. No biggie. Well, it's time again for another challenge for the GTN Fitness Gamer Group.

After long pondering and consideration, I have decided to alter the way this monster rolls. There will be no more competition, per se, as that raised too many issues and concerns. There will be only participation and fun, and no more penalties - hey, life happens. It makes more sense to me to allow a natural progression of anyone and everyone that wants to participate in a rewarding experience of playing games, earning gamerscore and achievements, and getting in better shape. I have been pretty vocal the last 6 months on how this simple change has positively affected me, and I want the same joy for you guys! I started last Christmas around 205lbs, and now I sit writing this out this Christmas at 172 pounds this morning. I have more energy, more sex appeal, and more confidence. I enjoy how I am starting to look and feel, and without forcing anyone, want you all to share in it too.

It has been literally this simple: play Kinect and have fun. Eat smaller portions and drink more water. Seriously. And those are the rules for this year. Play and have fun and manage your diet just a bit better.

I will no longer expect participation and penalize a lack of it. I will, however, keep you all motivated and moving as much as you desire of me to. I will track progress on a monthly basis: gamerscore, achievements, and I will interact with everyone who signs up at least once a month and discuss on a private level your goals and your progress.

Lastly, I have acquired some awards to hand out. Instead of just a rare badge for winning something, I'll be honoring your efforts throughout the year with surprise items. I want you as a person to be motivated to perform your best, at the ability you can perform. Instead of having a weekly goal and points system and all that crap, I am letting you decide your goals and progression. And then I will hold you accountable to your goals. I think that on a public and personal level, you achieving your goals and earning humble pride in your efforts will make more of an impact in your lives over "winning" a badge.

So, sign up, and I will contact you this week so we can discuss your goals and desires. Even if you have an hour a week that you put towards your fitness goals, I will assist you in optimizing it to the best of my untrained abilities. I am no professional, nor a fitness expert or anything. But I am motivated, and will help you be motivated. That's it. I will post on a monthly basis what all of us have earned as far as gamerscore and achievements, but that's it. No point assignment, no leaderboards, just info that you can use to maybe measure your progress against what you think others might be achieving. And feel free to motivate and support each other!

At the end of the year, We'll see who nailed their goals and who flaked out. I don't know if these changes eliminate the badge opportunity (I imagine so), but I will make an effort to create something else that will replace that.

So, here's to 2016 and your New Years Resolutions! Let me help you reach your fitness goals!!!


Members signed up (no limit, no expiration - join whenever!)
Last edited 01-04-2016 at 12:24 AM by porschephiliac. Reason: edited member list
Sign me up while I dust off the kinect haha
While your new rules and experience do make it extremely hard for me to merit the For The Win badge, there may still be something later on that It can apply to here. So officially I'm going to have to say no to the For The Win badge at this point for what you have here. That does not mean I am out as a participant.
While your new rules and experience do make it extremely hard for me to merit the For The Win badge, there may still be something later on that It can apply to here. So officially I'm going to have to say no to the For The Win badge at this point for what you have here. That does not mean I am out as a participant.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
That's what I assumed anyways. Maybe later on in this year we can set up a members only challenge that may merit the badge. For now, the reward is your own results. After I've lost 30 pounds, I am satisfied with my 'awards' Big Grin lol

And you're never off the hook, Jeff. You helped me get this thing rolling, you're my Veep!!! lol Luv ya bro Stick Out Tongue
That's what I assumed anyways. Maybe later on in this year we can set up a members only challenge that may merit the badge. For now, the reward is your own results. After I've lost 30 pounds, I am satisfied with my 'awards' Big Grin lol
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
I'm too lazy to go the gym so hopefully this can keep me motivated to get healthy and loose weight!
That's what I assumed anyways. Maybe later on in this year we can set up a members only challenge that may merit the badge. For now, the reward is your own results. After I've lost 30 pounds, I am satisfied with my 'awards' Big Grin lol

And you're never off the hook, Jeff. You helped me get this thing rolling, you're my Veep!!! lol Luv ya bro Stick Out Tongue
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
Exactly what I was thinking, once we get more people in a bit more of a steady roll. BTW thanks for your passion and dedication this.
I'm too lazy to go the gym so hopefully this can keep me motivated to get healthy and loose weight!
Originally Posted by dieselv2
I completely identify with that. I am in a semi rural area too, so going to the gym is almost an hour travel to and from. Save time and do it from home!
Exactly what I was thinking, once we get more people in a bit more of a steady roll. BTW thanks for your passion and dedication this.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Thanks to you for helping me stay motivated!
Does it matter if you unlock achievements offline, I play my 360 not connected and I connect it every couple days to register the achievement I unlock.
I drink like 6-8 cans of coke per day and guess what...no coke for 4 days so far. This is a proper detox, you've got me going now with this haha.

Other than Xbox Fitness are there any other fitness type games for Xbox One?
Other than Xbox Fitness are there any other fitness type games for Xbox One?
Originally Posted by dieselv2
There is Kinect Sport Rivals that's fun, the other one is Shape Up an arcady type fitness game (it makes fitness fun ppfftt) other than these the other Kinect games on X1 are more like Fruit Ninja motion based or Just Dance.
I drink like 6-8 cans of coke per day and guess what...no coke for 4 days so far. This is a proper detox, you've got me going now with this haha.

Other than Xbox Fitness are there any other fitness type games for Xbox One?
Originally Posted by dieselv2
Just so you know its about every Kinect title not just the fitness ones, because that is what Kinect was designed to do, to get the gamer moving and I'll tell you some of the ones you think may not be exercise, you'd be wrong! Fantasia kills your arms if you really hit it hard and I have two version of the game...lol

EDIT: for grammar and spelling.
Last edited 01-12-2016 at 12:29 AM by B8TINGU.
I drink like 6-8 cans of coke per day and guess what...no coke for 4 days so far. This is a proper detox, you've got me going now with this haha.

Other than Xbox Fitness are there any other fitness type games for Xbox One?
Originally Posted by dieselv2
I am so glad for you! I rarely have soda anymore, I think of it as a treat. It was hard to say no, and even harder to say only once in a while, but after years now, it has become a great delight! You will definitely notice a difference
I would guess a game like You're in the movies doesn't count, it's not Kinect but vison but has much to do like many Kinect games.
I would guess a game like You're in the movies doesn't count, it's not Kinect but vison but has much to do like many Kinect games.
Originally Posted by Homeless Messia
The only problem I see with Vision cam is that it is not immediately trackable by the Kinect Leaderboard Porch set up.. you would have to let him know, but I don't think it would be problem. Totem ball makes you kill your arms and your in the movies is not too far from Yoostar.
I think those count. They are requiring a certain fitness aspect to achieve success. And since we are now based on personal accountability, if you feel it's a good exercise in line with your goals, by all means, have at it.
10 days of calorie counting and lost half a stone (7lbs) ������
10 days of calorie counting and lost half a stone (7lbs) ������
Originally Posted by dieselv2
That's awesome news man! Keep it up!
10 days of calorie counting and lost half a stone (7lbs) ������
Originally Posted by dieselv2
Fantastic! The first few will go quick. Once you hit a stable weight, the loss slows down dramatically, even etching up occasionally. Don't be discouraged! As you start to feel better, increase exercise, and it will all compound!
10 days of calorie counting and lost half a stone (7lbs) ������
Originally Posted by dieselv2
I'm 8.5 lbs since the 31st...

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