Again, Shared Universes are cool, but, I'm going to need some help with this one...


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Straight to the point, Sony is "rumored to be" doing a crossover of the Jump Street and Men In Black franchises. This is similar to a previous thread of mine, where the classic monster movies are creating a shared universe, but, that kind of made a little sense, sort of, maybe. Now, I have not watched the Jump Street movies, so, I won't comment on their quality or merits, they jut don't appeal to me. I watched the MIB movies, but, I felt like the 1st was good at the time (it loses a lot of the years) and each follow up was a good bit weaker.

Was this a situation of the fan bases demanding a crossover film? Or did Sony just think to themselves, "Hey, some people like film A and some people like film B, so, if we make a film A/B, it HAS to make money!!!!"
Sounds like a bad idea to me. I won't be paying money to see it, if I even see it at all.
Although this sounds like typical Hollywood thinking mash these two things together I might wait to see a trailer to say it will suck. And think MIB sounds a lot like a mashup itself between say Lethal Weapon and X-files (I know MIB was a comic) but to others that's how it can look.

Comics do this all the time look at Batman/TMNT. Comics can do this they run from it when it fails but Hollywood does it and it's mocked for years.
Although this sounds like typical Hollywood thinking mash these two things together I might wait to see a trailer to say it will suck. And think MIB sounds a lot like a mashup itself between say Lethal Weapon and X-files (I know MIB was a comic) but to others that's how it can look.

Comics do this all the time look at Batman/TMNT. Comics can do this they run from it when it fails but Hollywood does it and it's mocked for years.
Originally Posted by Homeless Messia
Production time and cost on comics is much shorter. So, a Batman/TMNT crossover may be 12-months in the making, at a cost of thousands. So, when it fails, you can afford to run from it. There is also the realism factor, comics and animated can tend to pull off the unbelievable better and more easily than live action.
Production time and cost on comics is much shorter. So, a Batman/TMNT crossover may be 12-months in the making, at a cost of thousands. So, when it fails, you can afford to run from it. There is also the realism factor, comics and animated can tend to pull off the unbelievable better and more easily than live action.
Originally Posted by futiles
Yep that's the problem AVP was a great comic but the movie was pretty poor. They also look at say Scary Movie how it was a mash-up satire of pop films and they say we can do that with ... and that how we end up here with 21 Jump Street meets MIB.
I would rather see He-Man meets Thundercats. Skelletor teams up with Mumra to take over the world mwuhaha. Yeah it probably would suck with all the cgi but comic wise that would be sweet.
Meh, lousy idea...I can't imagine anyone was demanding this crossover...makes little sense to me.
Meh, lousy idea...I can't imagine anyone was demanding this crossover...makes little sense to me.
Originally Posted by DomeJohnny
Agree 100% I hated the MIB moves anyway, Jump Street though was surprisingly better than I thought it would be,, even though neither actors could in real life really pull that off for the first one.. Really Channing Tatum a high schooler?
Yeah, I don't want any of that.
Originally Posted by Kaens
I agree 100%. Get out of this habit, H'wood.

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