Favorite Game of 2008 (so far)

Xbox 360

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Out of all of the 360 games that have come out this year (so far) what is your favorite? You can include XBLA games too, arcade junkies.

My favorite would have to be Devil May Cry 4 followed by FIFA Street. In a month, I'm expecting to put GTAIV at the top of my list.
Oh god...GTA IV. I am hoping for that game to be nothing but phenomenal.
Out of all of the 360 games that have come out this year (so far) what is your favorite? You can include XBLA games too, arcade junkies.

My favorite would have to be Devil May Cry 4 followed by FIFA Street. In a month, I'm expecting to put GTAIV at the top of my list.
Originally Posted by Eric
hmmm... haven't played DMC4 yet, since I sold my 360 before coming to Switzerland... however, I wonder if it'll be the best of 2008. It had a lot of complaint.. a whole host, along with Vegas 2.

According to my friends, Condemned 2 was brilliant, and they took all the good things from the first game and added to them. I'm not sure right now, but we can't rule out the possibility of any of the Nova Crystallis Fabula Games being released by Square this year, and if so, perhaps on 360...
I've heard Condemned 2 was amazing too. After seeing a few gameplay videos, trailers and commercials for the game, I've added to my GameQ with GameFly.

I would love if Square-Enix had looked more seriously at the 360 for their next-generation game releases. That does remind me to check out Lost Odyssey when I have a chance though. This RPG came out earlier this year and it's about four 360-discs long. Seems like I'd have to request off work for a very long time in order to finish this game. Anyway, I've heard it's pretty good.
Never played any of the lost Odyssey Games... What are they about anyway?

And yeah, my mate's finished Condemned 2 today, and was saying how badass it was in general...
I play COD quite a lot, even more with the new maps. i finished Condemned 2 yesterday. Had a cliffhanger ending so i think a trilogy might be planned.
I play COD quite a lot, even more with the new maps. i finished Condemned 2 yesterday. Had a cliffhanger ending so i think a trilogy might be planned.
Originally Posted by Blank Planet
I could never do Call of Duty 4 on Xbox. Its cool and all but...8v8 is so boring. I love playing 24vs24 or 32v32. Feels like a real war
doesnt it get a bit....crowded?
Originally Posted by Blank Planet

Not at all. It is crazy fun. I am always on my toes because it is hectic. The only map that gets crazy is shipment, since its a tiny-ass map. The benefit of shipment is A.) Quick EXP since everyone is everywhere, and B.) use a gun you never use to get a quick rank up due to challenges completed.
i imagine the new creek level ould be awesome with that many people...
what's the creek like, Billy?
Lost Odyssey is my favorite, by far. easily one of the best RPG's i've played in a long while. moving story, superb voice acting, and amazing visuals make it well worth checking out if you have any interest in the genre. ought to keep you busy too; i clocked over well over 90 hours by the time i finished everything.
been meaning to get that actually. maybe something for my long 6 month break after exams haha.
Lost Odyssey is my favorite, by far. easily one of the best RPG's i've played in a long while. moving story, superb voice acting, and amazing visuals make it well worth checking out if you have any interest in the genre. ought to keep you busy too; i clocked over well over 90 hours by the time i finished everything.
Originally Posted by Obsidian Tides
Glad to hear it's worth checking out. I've heard mixed reviews for Lost Odyssey but with your recommendation I may give it a shot. RPGs have always caught me as very interesting.
it received sib-par reviews due to reviewers getting an incomplete copy of the game, so it still had some technical issues. even so, i don't understand why they didn't give it an even higher score. it seems the gripes came from how similar it was to older, traditional rpg's, as if that's a bad thing now.
it received sib-par reviews due to reviewers getting an incomplete copy of the game, so it still had some technical issues. even so, i don't understand why they didn't give it an even higher score. it seems the gripes came from how similar it was to older, traditional rpg's, as if that's a bad thing now.
Originally Posted by Obsidian Tides

Can someone PLEASE make a thread on Lost Oddysey... I have no idea what it is, except for being a massive RPG... :P
you play the part of Kaim Argonar, a 1000 year old immortal who is unable to recall most of his past. it's tough to say much about the story since it's better to experience it for yourself, but the setting is a unique blend of magic and steam-punk; in fact, the world is in the midst of a Magic-Industrial Revolution due to the sudden appearance of abundant magical energy.
also, the story itself is quite a bit more powerful than most others i've played. in addition, Kaim can unlock memories during the game in the form of dreams, which are extremely well written short stories.
there's really not much i can say that wouldn't just be better to see for yourself. you may want to rent it, although you'll have it much longer than a week if you end up getting into it.
damn gta4 for coming out....but like i said itll be for the summer.
My two favorite games on xbox360 this year are GTAIV and Assassins Creed.
I'm waitng for GoW2 and...Mercenaries 2. Those will be great.

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