I'm also getting the error on a number of threads in the forums

Issues & Bug Reports

Thanks for the updates. These errors appear to be isolated to the 4:38am CT time frame. That's when the server is backed up. That causes the server to exhaust all of its resources which will produce that error every night at that time. I'm looking into other options at the moment.
Well, at least it's consistent in the time it occurs, although I haven't had it happen to me every night.
For what it is worth, I just got this same error about 2 min ago (8:30am CT) going to the Gaming Chat page: https://www.gamertagnation.com/gaming-chat/ I hit refresh and it loaded correctly.
It has just started happening to me again on the Epic Challenge 2017 Forum Thread.
Thanks for the updates. These errors appear to be isolated to the 4:38am CT time frame...
Originally Posted by GTN Eric
Looks like I jinxed it. Weird that this is now happening at other times of the day now.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm logging them and investigating each case as they come up. I now suspect there's a memory leak somewhere in the code. Still looking for that needle in the haystack.
What's different now from when this first started happening, is that now I can just refresh the page and it loads. Way back when this first came up, once I got that error, I could never get that page to load until you did a fix. I only mention it because it feels like a timing problem. Like you mentioned, there may be a job or a reindex running - something like that. And it finishes so quick that when I hit refresh it loads. (I had another instance of this last night sometime but didn't note it. Sorry....)
FYI - just got the error on this page at 10:46am CT. I had to refresh twice instead of once to get it to load. https://www.gamertagnation.com/gener...fe-2017-a.html
Just had it happen a couple of minutes ago, while trying to load the "Fallout from huge backwards compatability sale" thread.
I just got the error a couple times in the past five minutes or so; I received it trying to view a page of the Epic Challenge 2017, and then I got it when trying to view this thread. It seemed to go away after refreshing.
I got it again just now on this same thread. For what it is worth, I use the little down arrow to go to the newest post for me. Not sure if that is related or not.
Just encountered the wee bugger again. Forgot to note the time of exact occurrence, but it was within the last two hours.
Just encountered the wee bugger again. Forgot to note the time of exact occurrence, but it was within the last two hours.
Originally Posted by Dvader83
Thanks, that one was a bit self-inflicted since I was testing something at the time. That helped me narrow it down to a couple of scripts.
Happened again around 2:40 a.m. my local time.
I made some adjustments to the schedule yesterday to help fix the brief downtime that was occurring late in the morning each day.

Let me know if this error pops up again.

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